Privacy policy

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) is applicable to all processing activities of Vectrix as a data controller.

Please read this Privacy Policy together with our Cookie Policy. This is the first and only Privacy Policy we have. Vectrix may update this Privacy Policy in the future: the latest version can always be found on our Website. You will be able to find our archived Privacy Policies in pdf format here once changes are made.


Due to, for example, your commercial relationship or recent contact with Vectrix or due to a visit to or action on our ​“Website” (i.e. https://​www​.vectrix​.ai/ including related sub-domains) we may collect, store and otherwise process personal data relating to you or, if you are a company, your employees/​representatives (“your personal data”).

This Privacy Policy describes (i) how we collect, treat and store your personal data; (ii) the rights you can exercise in relation to your personal data; and (iii) the measures we take to protect it and to secure your personal data.

Vectrix respects your privacy and we always strive to act in accordance with the applicable privacy legislation, such as (non-exhaustive):
(i) the General Data Protection Regulation 2016⁄679 of April 27, 2016 (“GDPR”);
(ii) the Belgian Privacy Law of 30 July 2018;
(iii) the ePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC of 12 July 2002, including future amendments and revisions thereof; and/​or (iv) (future) national legislation regarding the implementation of the GDPR (together: ​“Privacy Legislation”).


We are Vectrix BV, a limited liability company with registered office at Hombeeksesteenweg 376, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium, registered with the Crossroads Database for Enterprises under number 1011.062.177 (“Vectrix” or ​“we / us”)

Vectrix is the developer and provider of the Vectrix products as described and represented on the Website (the “Products”), the corresponding service of Vectrix (“Offerings”) and is the owner of the Website.

In light of the Privacy Legislation, Vectrix will act as the DATA CONTROLLER of your personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. This means we are in control of (and thus, responsible for) your personal data.


Which personal data we collect, store and process and the purpose for which we process this data may differ depending on your relation with Vectrix. In particular, we identify four different scenarios:

3.1 You are browsing on our Website;
3.2 You (wish to) receive direct marketing (such as updates and newsletters) relating to Vectrix’s services and products (inc. the Product);
3.3 Your company is an active Vectrix customer and/​or seeking a commercial relationship with Vectrix; or,
3.4 You are | your company is a partner or a supplier of Vectrix.

3.1 You are browsing on our Website
Contacting Vectrix via the contact form on the Website

To answer any questions you may have and/​or to initiate a conversation

Personal data:
First name, Last name, Voluntarily provided information, (Work) email address, nature of inquiry

Legal ground:

Retention period:
Up until one (1) year after your last contact with Vectrix

3.2 You (wish to) receive direct marketing (such as updates and newsletters) relating to Vectrix’s services and products

Providing more information on (new features of) the Product, our Offerings or related products/​services

Personal data:
First name, Last name, (Work) email address

Legal ground:

Retention period:
Until you have objected to the processing of your personal data for this purpose (cfr. Section 8- ​“Right to object”). You will be automatically unsubscribed if we did not contact you for over a year.

3.3 Your company is an active Vectrix customer and/​or seeking a commercial relationship with Vectrix

If you read this Policy as an employee of a company relying on Vectrix, please note that your employer is to be considered your data controller (as your employer decided to rely on the Product, choses if you get an account, etc.). To set up the Product, your employer might have provided us with some of your personal information (e.g. your name, your email-address, etc.). In this context, Vectrix has adopted a Data Processing Policy. For more information regarding the Product, you can always directly contact your employer.

Nevertheless, in some exceptional cases, Vectrix will act as your data controller. More specific, Vectrix will act as your data controller the following purposes:

General communication and (technical) support

To enable communication with & to provide support to customers

Personal data:
First name, Last name, (Work) e‑mail address, Voluntarily provided information, Phone number

Legal ground:
In relation with the Customer: necessary for the performance of the agreement
In relation with the End-Users: legitimate interestRetention period:Until one (1) year following the termination of the commercial relationship between your company and Vectrix


To prepare invoices for the Offerings | use of the Vectrix Products

Personal data:
First name, Last name, Company, (Work) e‑mail address, Address, VAT-number, Job function

Legal ground:
Necessary for the performance of the agreementRetention period:Until one (1) following the termination of the commercial relationship between your company and Vectrix

Quotes | proposals

To draw up (additional) quotes | proposals

Personal data:
First name, Last name, Company, (Work) e‑mail address, Address, VAT-number

Legal ground:
Legitimate interest

Retention period:
Until one (1) year following the termination of the commercial relationship between your company and Vectrix

3.4 You are | your company is a partner or a supplier of Vectrix

General communication and provision of services

To communicate with you in the scope of our commercial relationship

Personal data:
First name, Last name, Email address, Phone number, Company, Preferred Language, Job function, Voluntarily provided information

Legal ground:
In relation with the Customer: necessary for the performance of the agreement
In relation with the End-Users: legitimate interest

Retention period:
For the duration of your commercial relationship with Vectrix and in any event accordance with any (data processing) agreements concluded with Vectrix


To pay your invoices for the services provided (incl. corresponding communication)

Personal data:
First name, Last name, Company, (Work) e‑mail address, Address, Financial data (e.g. bank account number), Job title, VAT number

Legal ground:
Necessary for the performance of the agreement

Retention period:
For the duration of your commercial relationship with Vectrix and in any event accordance with any (data processing) agreements concluded with Vectrix


You can find more information on the applicable ground for each of the identified processing activities in Section 3 above.

In case the legal ground for processing happens to be legitimate interest, Vectrix shall always (i) assess whether this is in proportion with the purpose for which your personal data was collected and used; and, (ii) take your reasonable expectations into account and ensure a balance with your fundamental rights and freedoms. If we cannot guarantee this, we will stop storing / using your personal data or we will determine a new legal ground.


Unless a longer storage period is required or justified (i) by law or (ii) through compliance with another legal obligation, Vectrix shall only store your personal data for the period necessary to achieve and fulfill the purpose in question.


Vectrix shall not disclose your personal data to other third parties, unless it is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. In this respect, (some of) your personal data may be disclosed to:

- Software and cloud providers
- Marketing agencies
- Freelancers or other service providers

Of course, we have made sure that the necessary contracts or similar legally binding acts are in place to ensure that these third parties treat your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Legislation (e.g. Article 28 GDPR).

In addition, we might transfer your personal data:

To competent authorities: for instance, because (i) we are obliged to provide your personal data under law or in the scope of (future) legal proceedings, or (ii) this is necessary to safeguard our rights; or,

In M&A context: meaning, if Vectrix or the majority of its assets, is taken over by a third party, in which case your personal data – which Vectrix has collected – may be one of the transferred assets.


In case any of the above-mentioned third parties or other recipients are located in a country outside the European Economic Area, Vectrix will ensure that one or more of the listed EU-approved safeguards are in place:

European Commission adequacy decision;

Data transfer agreement (cfr. the Standard Contractual Clauses as provided in the European Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021⁄914 of 4 June 2021, including the performance of a transfer impact assessment);Binding corporate rules; or,

Certification mechanisms.


The Privacy Legislation (e.g. GDPR) gives you certain rights over your personal data vis-à-vis Vectrix. You can exercise these rights by contacting us, as specified in Section 11.

You can ask for confirmation of whether or not personal data that relates to you is being processed. If so, you can ask us to give you copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service;

You can ask us to correct | complete any information you believe is inaccurate | incomplete;

You can ask us to erase your personal data, under certain conditions. Please be aware that in this context certain services will no longer be accessible and/​or can no longer be provided.

You can object to us processing your personal data, under certain conditions.

Restriction of processing:
You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data, unless we have legitimate interests for the processing of your personal data that prevail over your interests

Data portability:
You can ask us to transfer your personal data to another organization, or directly to you in a commonly used structured format readable by automatic device, under certain conditions.


Vectrix undertakes to take reasonable, physical, technological, and organizational precautions in order to avoid (i) unauthorized access to your personal information, and (ii) loss, abuse, or alteration of your personal data.


We are entitled to update this Privacy Policy by posting a new version on the Website whereby we will indicate the revision date at the top of this Privacy Policy. As such, it is strongly recommended to regularly consult the Website and the page displaying the Privacy Policy, to make sure that you are aware of any changes.


Notifications under this Privacy Policy (such as exercising your rights as a data subject) and/​or any questions or concerns concerning the provisions of this Privacy Policy must be directed to


You are not satisfied with how we collect, store or otherwise treat or secure your personal data? We are sorry to hear that and are prepared to take all measures to remedy this situation. Please do contact us!

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the authorized supervisory authority (i.e. the Belgian Data Protection Authority or the data protection authority of (i) your residence or (ii) your workplace) should you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes the Privacy Legislation.

You can send an email to the Belgian Data Protection Authority at contact@​apd-​gba.​be or any other email address provided by the Belgian Data Protection Authority (https://​www​.dataprotectionauthority​.be/​c​i​t​i​z​e​n​/​a​c​t​i​o​n​s​/​c​o​ntact).